Top 5 Hits

Top 5 Hits
Each Wednesday I spotlight some of the highlights I see from all of you.  Enjoy this week’s Top 5 Hits!
I adore this bright and pretty Terracotta Makeover shared by Jen @ Scissors and Spatulas.  I’ve got some old, tired pots just waiting for some TLC!
I keep thinking I’ve seen it all, and then once again I’m blown away by cyber creativity!  Have you dreamed of carriage garage doors too?  Terry @ Forever Decorating shows us how to go from drab to fab.  Don’t miss Guest Post: Painted Carriage House Doors Tutorial.  I am so doing this. Thanks Terry!
Now here’s a super Teacher Appreciation Gift that will get used.  I go through sticky pads like crazy.  Jami @ The Blackberry Vine gives a quick how to on her Sticky Notes.  You can even print her little tags.  If you’ve got a cute gift to share, accept her invitation to link up more TAGs @ her Pretty Packages Party.
Meet Broke-Ass!  You’ll be inspired by her story, Stocking the Broke-Ass Pantry, and the three day chicken @ Grist.  I have long been a proponent of how to stretch a $4.99 roasted chicken from Costco.  Broke adds healthy ways she feeds her family of 5.

(Sorry about some offensive language in advance with this post)

Fingerprint Flowers and Serving Pink Lemonade just go together for Mother’s Day!  Jeanine and her boys created such a delightful, one of a kind, card for grandma.  Such a sweet remembrance, thanks!
Congratulations to the capable gal @ The Cape On The Corner who had the smarts to say, “Yes,” to a friend who was giving away some used pavers.  Check out her awesome Saturday DYI,  She’s a brick….  It’s got me hunting for cast-offs!
OK, after an extensive search for fabulous, how could I exclude Ice Cream Sundae Cupcakes with Caramel Cream Frosting?  It’s my pick for framing this Mother’s Day.  You’ll find this recipe, that you can customize, a la Kristy @ Sweet Treats and More.
Have an inspired week all!

About The Author


Renée is passionate about making and sharing ALL things delicious! Her happy place really is her kitchen where she loves whipping up memories with her family and friends. Raised in sunny Southern California she's spent her adulthood in Idaho, both sides of her great state. She's married to an amazing man, and together they have 5 children, who gave them five more, and now they have 28 grandchildren. So there’s always a reason to cook and celebrate around their place!


  1. Happier Than a Pig in Mud

    The fingerprint cards are just adorable! And how nice is that brick area for the trash cans, what a great project! Happy Wednesday Gnee:@)

  2. Debbie

    I love that fingerprint idea!! Wouldn’t that be so easy to tie in to a children’s church lesson at the same time or something? I need to pass that along to our children’s minister.

  3. jeanine

    Thank you so much for the feature!

  4. Erin

    Awesome pics Gnee!!! and OMG, that cupcake, TO.DIE.FOR!!!!

  5. Terry

    Thanks so much for the plug on my carriage house garage doors. It was very easy to do.

  6. the cape on the corner

    glee! gnee has brought me glee! thank you SO SO much for that shout out. you have no idea how happy this makes me. 🙂

  7. Jami

    Thanks for the shout out! I’m honored to be included on a list of such talented folks! So going to make those sundae cupcakes!!!
    Thanks again!

  8. Jo

    Cape on the corner,awesome!
    Broke A** was interesting!
    Terry’s garage doors great job!
    Love the finger print art.
    And those cupcakes,I could eat a dozen!
    speakin’ of eatin’ chocolate,come join me in the closet and see the corner with color.

  9. Luciane at


    This is my very first time here. You have a great blog!

    Drop by if you have a minute. It would be wonderful to have you there!


    Luciane at

  10. designchic

    Loving your blog…so much inspiration. Thrilled to be your newest follower!

  11. Garden of Egan

    I enjoyed this post and spent way too much time glued to the computer going from site to site. I’m so bad.

    I love them all.
    Thanks for sharing them.

  12. Katie

    Love that polka-dot pot, and those cupcakes look amazing!!! I’m drooling!

  13. Miz Helen

    I really enjoyed the beautiful photo’s on your blog. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week!


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