Top 5 Hits


Inspired by a guy in New York’s Central Park, (love it), Jen @ tatertots and jello added one more summer must have to her bucket list. Summer Project–Make Giant Bubbles shows us how to make our own bubble solution and also the contraption that creates these beauties. We got all the stuff today and are making some of these for a fun activity this weekend!


So by now, you know I’m a party girl! After seeing Emily’s Pajama Party I’m not turning 7 but I’m having one of these with my 50-something buddies next month! Her mom, Heather L @ Life With Lulu and Junebug…and Carter Too! made the most adorable sleeping bag invites! A fun activity, hand decorated pillowcases for guests to take home, and kudos to Bebe and Nanny who helped!


Just imagine how much fun it would be for a child to take this enjoyable First Day Survival Kit shared by Ashleigh @ Bee in our Bonnet to school the first day. Such a darling card and happy polka-dot bow, filled with teacher helps will make his or her first day too!


Chocolate lovers take notice! Betsy at Belly Feathers Party Blog made this festive DIY Chocolate Party Centerpiece that will get lots of attention through out the coming holiday season. I plan to customize it with different candies for each holiday!


Oh, how I adore this fresh and colorful quilt by Andi @ Patch Andi. The machine quilting is divine too. She’s titled it, Wordless Wednesday. It worked Andi, I was speechlessly, instantly in love!

Have an inspired week all!


About The Author


Renée is passionate about making and sharing ALL things delicious! Her happy place really is her kitchen where she loves whipping up memories with her family and friends. Raised in sunny Southern California she's spent her adulthood in Idaho, both sides of her great state. She's married to an amazing man, and together they have 5 children, who gave them five more, and now they have 28 grandchildren. So there’s always a reason to cook and celebrate around their place!


  1. Jen @

    Wow – what fun projects! Thank you so much for featuring my giant bubbles. I am off to check out the other links 🙂

    Have a great weekend!


  2. The Quilt Ladies

    WOW, I love the bubble pictures, so cool. The quilt is just perfect, thanks for sharing !

  3. Belly Feathers

    Gnee, I’m so honored! Thanks a bunch for featuring my DIY Chocolate Tower. It’s such a fun project, and I can’t wait to see photos of your holiday versions!

  4. Ashleigh

    Thanks so much for the fabulous feature! I was excited to discover your blog and the many fun ideas here. Thanks!

  5. LDH

    Oh, I’m going to follow these links! Love the bubbles and chocolate centerpiece!

    Thanks for posting!

    Silly question. Please tell me the correct pronunciation of your name. 🙂 I want to make sure I have it right when I think of you or even when I am remembering your prayer requests.

  6. Heather L.

    Gnee, thank you so much for featuring Emily’s pajama party! What a nice surprise! I am so happy to have discovered your sweet blog – I’m off to go through your archives and get to know you better =)

    Thanks again!

  7. Paula

    I need jot down the recipe for giant bubbles because I’d love to do that at school with my 7th graders at the end of the year. Wouldn’t they have a blast?

  8. Alida L.

    I love giant bubbles! The photo is awesome! I love the quilt as well, you’re quite talented.

  9. Jacqueline

    Love all five, but of course as you would guess, I am entranced by the chocolate tree! I could leave that up year round and just fill in the holes when some guest decided to indulge!

  10. Mamarazzi

    love all the hits…such creative people out there in bloggyland.

  11. Christy

    Loving all of these! Such a nice variety of fun finds. :O)

  12. nancycreative

    Those are 5 great features! My favorite is that beautiful quilt!

  13. Moogie

    Great stuff!! Hi… I’m your newest follower.

  14. Jessica Hills

    Just wanted to let you know I featured you today on FTF! You can take a featured button if you would like! Thanks for joining in the party! I really appreciate all the nice comments you leave me!


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