Tag: dill weed

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German Potato Salad

Can you believe potatoes were once called, "fruits of the devil?"  I must admit, I have cursed them now and then because they wreak havoc on my hips! Still,  I can't help but indulge a little each autumn when German Potato Salad is served during Octoberfest. We celebrate a bountiful crop of new russet potatoes…

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Dilly Dip

What a fun, hot summer!  After people to see and places to go, I'm back with lots to share and will start with a yummy, fresh, recipe for tangy dilly dip.   I said HOT right? Boise's been in the 90s and 100s all summer long.  Usually it starts to cool in the middle of…

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Welcome to CK!

We're Alison and Renée, and we're so glad you've joined us! Our kitchens are our happy place, where we're whipping up memories. Get comfy and check things out. We hope you find inspiring dishes and ways to better your life. Feeling optimistic, trying new things and sharing with those we love brings joy in all we do. It's time to cook, create and celebrate. CHEERS! Read More…


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